Benefits of Educational App Development

Enhance Learning

iLink helps educational institutions transform by delivering next-generation solutions around conversational AI, e-learning, web portals, content management and other custom education applications


We build custom e-learning software that features real-time collaboration, effective curriculum management, excellent reporting capabilities and more. We help combine online content with textbooks so students can attend classes anywhere through video and other media. 

Increase Collaboration

We build intranet and web portals utilizing technologies such as SharePoint, Office 36, Teams and Flow. These enable academic institutions to create a common gateway to data and services to work collaboratively. 


Our Education app development solutions

In-Depth Domain Experience

Segments We Serve

Education Providers

Our Educational App development company help schools, colleges and universities chart strategy and apply technology to improve student access, and experience.


Education Enablers

 Our education app development solutions improve profitability and de-risk investments in the platforms, products and programs offered by education publishers and enablers.

Professional Associations

We offer digital transformation solutions that enhance member value and increase learning efficacy.

Assessment Providers

We offer end-to-end app development solutions for assessment authoring, delivering, proctoring and reporting.

Your Trusted Education App Development Company

Being a well-known provider of education app development solutions, iLink Digital is known for meeting modern education needs and delivering the best app development solutions at cost-effective rates. 

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