Revamping the Public Sector Bidding Marketplace with Cloud Migration and Application Modernization

The Challenge:
The client, a leading Public Sector Bidding Marketplace based in Seattle, needed a digital makeover. With a dated user interface and outdated technology, their application was difficult to maintain and unattractive to new customers. To modernize their platform and improve user experience, iLink was brought on to lead the project with a specific set of business objectives in mind.
The goal was to migrate the applications from an on-premise setup to the cloud, revamp the application with a modern and responsive UI, streamline the registration and subscription upgrade process, separate the business content for easier management, and release each module in a phased approach starting with the supplier module.
After careful analysis and consideration of various hosting options, iLink chose to deploy the solution on Azure Cloud using WordPress. The deployment plan was designed with cost-effectiveness in mind, keeping expenses low during the company’s period of transition and turbulence.
Eight months later, iLink successfully migrated all web apps to Azure CDN, converted the data frame to work with Azure SQL, and implemented Redis Cache for improved performance and availability. The company also enhanced security with Azure Gateway, authentication, and firewall rules, and implemented monitoring and analytics with App Insights, Google Analytics, and Amplitude.
The result was a system with improved performance, accelerated business growth, and increased sales. Users were able to easily register and upload bids, leading to increased customer engagement. The company now has the scale, security, and agility necessary to handle future challenges and is well-equipped for ongoing optimization and transformation.
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