Streamlining IT & SecOps with Beak AIOps Platform for a Modern Technology Consulting Firm

iLink Digital empowered the client to overcome the challenges in their IT & SecOps through integrating AI-powered self-healing platform. From enabling proactive threat detection to automating remediation of security vulnerabilities, our comprehensive solution streamlines IT infrastructure management, ensuring maximum productivity and faster incident remediation.

Streamlining Supplier Connections with Cloud Migration Solution for a Government Administration

iLink Digital empowered the client to revolutionize their government administration, streamlining supplier connections with local government entities by leveraging cloud migration solution and microservice architecture. We addressed the inherent challenges of traditional VM-hosted web applications, including scalability, robustness, availability, security, and support for global operations.


IT Industry & Consulting


United States

About Client

Our client is a global technology solutions provider specializing in delivering cutting-edge IT solutions and services. With a strong focus on innovation and growth, they have been trusted advisors for almost 30 years and have served over 700+ small and medium enterprises across multiple regions.



Business Impact

Served over 700+ Clients

Significant Time Savings 1000 Hours/Year

Detected & Remediated 2.1 Mn Vulnerabilities

Effectively Managed 19K+ Assets

Resolved 5K+ Tickets

Enhanced Security with Granular Access Control

Looking to streamline your IT infrastructure management and services with Beak AIOPs platform?

    Open Chat

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9