Comprehensive Solutions for Enhanced Healthcare Delivery

iLink Digital offers a robust portfolio of solutions designed to support healthcare providers across all functional areas of the care continuum. Our offerings are tailored to enhance patient engagement, streamline case management, optimize diagnostics and treatment, and improve billing and operations.  

Patient Engagement

iLink Digital offers a robust portfolio of solutions designed to support healthcare providers across all functional areas of the care continuum. Our offerings are tailored to enhance patient engagement, streamline case management, optimize diagnostics and treatment, and improve billing and operations.  

Patient Portal: Seamlessly manage clinical, administrative, and educational outreach workflows through our integrated patient portal.

Mobility Solutions: Promote health and wellness with our suite of mobile applications designed to engage patients on the go.

Telehealth Modules: Expand your reach and provide remote care with our comprehensive telehealth solutions.

Symptom Tracking and Awareness Apps: Empower patients with tools to track symptoms and increase health awareness.


Case Management

iLink Digital’s advanced solutions help healthcare providers efficiently manage cases to identify risks early, coordinate care better, and make informed decisions. Our solutions enable healthcare teams to collaborate seamlessly and access vital patient information, ultimately leading to more efficient and effective care delivery.


Clinical Risk Analytics: Identify and mitigate clinical risks with our advanced analytics solutions. 

Care Coordination Solutions: Enhance care team collaboration and streamline patient care with our coordination tools. 

Data Platforms and Interoperability: Ensure seamless data exchange and integration across your systems with our interoperable data platforms. 

GPT-Based Case Summaries: Generate concise and accurate case summaries using our AI-powered GPT technology. 

Unstructured to Structured Data Extraction: Transform unstructured data into actionable insights with our data extraction tools. 

Diagnostics and Treatment

Accurate diagnostics and effective treatment are the cornerstones of quality healthcare. iLink Digital enhances diagnostic accuracy and treatment efficacy with advanced solutions, leading to better patient outcomes. Our tools enable comprehensive data analysis, real-time monitoring, and informed clinical decision-making, improving individual patient care and overall healthcare efficiency. 

Clinical Decision Support Systems: Make informed clinical decisions with our evidence-based support systems. 

Remote Data Collection/Monitoring: Monitor patient health remotely with our advanced data collection solutions. 

360-Degree View of Patient Data: Access a comprehensive view of patient data for better clinical insights. 

Clinical Quality Metrics Management: Track and manage clinical quality metrics to ensure optimal patient outcomes. 


Billing and Operations

iLink Digital’s advanced analytics and AI/ML solutions streamline billing and operations, ensuring financial stability and allowing providers to focus on patient care. These technologies reduce administrative burdens, minimize errors, and optimize resources, improving revenue cycle management and operational efficiency for better patient outcomes and organizational growth. 


Population Health Analytics: Analyze population health trends and improve care delivery with our analytics solutions. 

AI/ML-Based Claims Denial Management: Our AI/ML-based tools reduce claim denials and enhance revenue cycle management. 

Asset Tracking and Device Telemetric Data: Optimize asset utilization and track device performance with our telemetric data solutions. 

Inventory Optimization: Streamline inventory management and reduce costs with our optimization tools. 

Bundle Care Analytics: Enhance bundled care management with our comprehensive analytics solutions. 

Transform your Healthcare Practice with iLink Digital!

Learn more about how we can support your journey toward better patient care and operational excellence.
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