iLInk's Industry Solutions

Industrials are the catalysts of change, driving advancements in technology, automation, and sustainable practices.

How iLink’s industrial solutions transforming businesses?

30%of industrial waste is cut by data-driven optimization.
50%of the faults are reduced by adopting AI-based quality control systems.
20%of the inventory costs are reduced by utilizing data science and AI algorithms.
Industrials Solutions

Our Industrial Capabilities

By leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms,  iLink offers industry solutions that enables industrial companies to gain valuable insights, optimize operations, and make informed decisions, ultimately driving efficiency, productivity, and innovation in their operations.

Production planning

Estimate future demand by using our services to analyze historical data, industry trends, client orders, and other pertinent variables. Determining the volume and timing of manufacturing is made easier with accurate demand forecasts.

Demand forecastingy

Utilizing historical data and cutting-edge analytics, our demand forecasting offers insightful guidance for inventory management, production planning, and strategic decision-making, eventually fostering corporate success.

Real-time video analytics

We analyze video streams in real-time to extract useful data using computer vision techniques, machine learning algorithms, and artificial intelligence.

Automated Safety Assessments

iLink collects data in real-time while continuously monitoring safety parameters using automated safety evaluation tools. We perform cutting-edge assessments as a proud service provider of AI and automation solutions.

Automated Inventory Management

Utilize automation to manage inventory in the future, minimizing human error, increasing accuracy, and increasing profitability. We can help you reap the rewards right away!

Real-time Alerts

iLink uses real-time notifications to identify and keep an eye on important events or conditions. Real-time alerts allow for proactive problem-solving by instantly notifying users of problems or anomalies.

Customer web-use analytics

Utilize web analytics to understand consumer behavior, preferences, and journey in-depth, enabling data-driven initiatives for increased engagement and conversions.

Inventory forecasting

For the goods or materials being projected, our industry solutions enable you to collect historical data on sales, client orders, and inventory levels. We make sure the data is precise, thorough, and spans a long enough time to record seasonal fluctuations, trends, and other patterns.

Supply chain analytics

iLink can assist organizations in making knowledgeable decisions about production volumes, purchases, and inventory levels by examining historical data, market trends, and other elements.

Excellence in Execution

Case Studies

Elevate Your Industrial Operations!

With iLink’s industry solutions, you may achieve the most advanced infrastructure expansion, technical development, and economic prosperity all while keeping sustainability in mind.

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