Benefits of Communication and Media Technology

Customer Acquisition & Retention

Nearly everyone turns to communication companies to keep them connected to a global network. Customer loyalty can no longer be assumed. To get new customers and keep them, brands must stay on top of trends and work to adapt their products and services constantly. 

Many telecom companies are already using AI technology such as virtual assistants, chatbots, and tools to improve customer experience and satisfaction. iLink helps organizations utilize cutting edge tools to get and keep customers.   

Network Experience

Billions of internet users utilize their Smartphones to access the content. Smartphones now allow users to manage important tasks in their lives, and demand a network experience that delivers faster access to apps and services. Most telecom giants are already utilizing 5G to bring the future to consumers. Learn more about 5G. 

Telecommunication companies must invest in technology, while also focusing on devising business models to monetize 5G. iLink has been focused on communications and media industry since it’s inception and can help your organization adopt 5G and improve your network experience.  

Personalized Services

The Communications & Media industry is the backbone of the digital economy and new models help telecom companies introduce new services while reducing the cost of services. This allows companies to more effectively meet market demands and capitalize on delivering the best customer experience. 

Consumers want cutting-edge technology to meet their needs for everything from remote work, distance learning, entertainment and healthcare. 

iLink helps customers leverage technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, IoT, AR/VR and blockchain to stay ahead of the game 





In-Depth Domain Experience

Segments We Serve

Communication Service Providers

We help carriers transform into multi‑service providers through digital integration and personalized business services. Many large telecom companies are set to deliver standalone 5G – how will your organization keep up? 

Our team can deliver personalized processes for billing, customer and order fulfillment as well as digital technology for planning, networks and testing.

OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)

We work to improve business results by streamlining processes, reworking administrative systems and increasing customer loyalty.

Our telecom solutions offer services including IoT, System Integration and Reliability Engineering for OEM’s. 

Media & Entertainment

Align content offerings to demand, increase audience engagement and improve management of media assets and rights. With more people consuming media via streaming services, opportunities are available to expand in-home offerings through technology solutions. 

Communication and Media technology offers solutions offer solutions that help you evaluate opportunities, explore revenue models and thrive in today’s entertainment markets.

Want to Stay on Top of Telecom Trends?

Today the telecom industry is poised to undergo a digital transformation due to the swift emergence of IoT and 5G. Their services need to be customer-centric, improve efficiency, and add high-value margin by gradually moving from traditional services.

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