Insurance Outcomes

Policy Recommender

Personalize insurance buying experience with a recommender that understands and recommends the best insurance coverage tailored to the customer needs. Cross-sell and upsell related products, suggest add-ons to coverage based on the customer interactions and household information.

Intelligent Virtual Agent

Transition from traditional IVR based customer service to an AI powered Virtual Agent to provide the first level of support. Your new Virtual Smart agent can seamlessly hand-off to a human agent with all the required context to keep the conversation engaging.

Learn more about Conversational AI in Insurance with our infographic 

Faster Claims Processing

Insurance software solutions provide the best in class support in the moment of crisis to your valued customers by way of a virtual agent that offers instant answers to their claims and service, 24×7, in the language they speak. With a customer first approach, the smart agent can proactively send updates about claims or complete a documentation requirement.


Understanding Insurance can be tough for your customers, especially during stressful times – when they have a medical emergency or a natural disaster. Demystify your insurance policies, coverages, inclusions and exclusions via a conversational agent with easy to use multi-media content.

Anytime Information Access

Provide instant answers to your customer queries with an AI powered virtual agent, reducing high touch call volumes and free up your high valued human resources for other value-added services.

Drive Sales

Target the millennials and take your products and services where your customers are, by adding new delivery channels in the popular social messaging platforms and smart speakers. Suggest ways to save money and proactively notify them on renewals.

Conversational Buy

Add a conversational layer to the insurance buying journey and improve the customer experience and expectations. Seamlessly extend the conversational AI services across channels like Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri.

Machine Learning and AI are ideally suited to detect and alert potential frauds. Machine learning models can be used to automate claims processing and flag the suspicious ones for fraud patterns, thereby reducing the costs of insurance providers.

OCR Recognition

Insurance industry involves heavy usage of paper based documentation. OCR based applications enable automated document on-boarding, make business workflows more efficient and effective, while also improving customer experience.


Keep Advancing your Insurance software solutions

In-Depth Domain Experience

Accelerate Transformation with Emerging Technologies

Data Architecture

Our data warehouse solutions report data from multiple systems and  allow you to correlate data across claims and policy administration and create reports with appropriate security parameters. 

BI Reporting

Our insurance software solutions provide executive reporting with consistent tabular and graphical analysis to help you consolidate insurance data into consistent and actionable information. Design and develop web-based end-to-end solution frameworks. 

Measurable Returns

We build insurance KPI’s to manage fiscal integrity, reserves, profitability, rate structure and marketing effectiveness. Stay one step ahead and on track with your personalized goals. 

iLink has you covered

Streamline and optimize your insurance operations with iLink Digital’s comprehensive suite of software solutions and services. Tailor the perfect fit for your unique needs and empower your team to efficiently manage the entire insurance lifecycle. Partner with iLink Digital to unlock your full potential.

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