Benefits of ISV Software Solutions

Enhanced Safety

Through migration and enhancement of Legacy Systems with new internet-driven cloud based technologies and platforms, we ensure your enterprise database, OS, User Interface, CRM, ERP, Corporate Mail, and custom apps are safe in the cloud.

Increased Agility

Our ISV solutions allow you to transition between seamlessly between platforms, technologies and domains and maintain a consistent UX across smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops.

IT Simplification

Our ISV solutions helps industries to consolidate any assortment of software into a single, consistent system eliminating the need for silos. We modernize APIs with payment gateways, e-commerce platforms, geolocation services and social networks.


Our ISV Software Solutions

In-Depth Domain Experience 

Our ISV Engagement Models

Go-To Market

  • Build team to support rapid release
  • We work in tandem with internal team 
  • Transfer knowledge post release (accelerate development until release)

Planned Expansion

  • Partner for small/non-core modules
  • Streamline process, eliminate risks
  • Transform to core produce module (start small and expand)

Sustained Collaboration

  • Identification on product parts to outsource
  • Combining teams and processes 
  • Transfer knowledge post release (modular ownership with intricate collaboration)

Ready to revolutionize your software journey?

Experience the next generation ISV solutions with iLink Digital, we help you transform your software from ideation to testing that brings agility to the entire process. Our ISV solutions improves time-to-market while reducing the total cost of ownership. 

    Open Chat

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