In 2010, Salesforce introduced its MVP program as an annual event to recognize and celebrate Trailblazer experts who mentored others in their Salesforce journey. In the Salesforce landscape, MVP is an abbreviation for Most Valuable Professional, and the title is evaluated every year, and not everyone gets renewed each year. What exactly is the MVP privilege? How can you be one?
In this blog, we will delve into everything that you need to know about becoming a Salesforce MVP.
Inspired by the sporting term “Most Valuable Player,” Salesforce coined Most Valuable Professionals to accolade experts who highlight leadership qualities. Every year, Salesforce accepts nominations from its community on a global scale. Each MVP status is credible for one year; after that, you must submit the status for renewal. In the class of Salesforce MVP 2024, there are 24 new MVPs and 81 MVPs who got renewed. If you get renewed for five consecutive years, you are initiated into the Salesforce Hall of Fame. It is an award to recognize the consistent efforts of experts who have been giving back to society for a long time.
At the end of each year, Salesforce opens nominations for MVPs on their official website. You can either nominate yourself or one of your peers whose contributions are notable. The open-door policy allows you to put down the names of anyone who has been displaying excellence in leadership and expertise.
There is a multi-layered review process in place to ensure that all aspects of nominees’ profile are rigorously evaluated. Both Trailblazers community teams and Salesforce employees review the nominees before moving on to the next stage.
Once the first round of review is completed, the process moves on to collecting feedback from peers. The existing MVPs share their thoughts and insights on the new nominations.
The final review was handled by the Trailblazer Community team. In this stage, each nomination goes through a deep evaluation process, checking whether it aligns with the core values of the program. After the last evaluation, the team released the new and renewed Salesforce MVP list for that year.
As a Salesforce MVP, you must be a product expert and evangelist. You will see many MVPs sharing their expertise through Vlogs, podcasts, and blogs. They often answer community questions and are invited to speak at notable events. A true MVP does not gatekeep but instead believes in spreading knowledge to uplift the community.
Salesforce MVPs exhibit strong leadership qualities, and they consistently guide the community members in their Salesforce journey. As an MVP in Salesforce and a community leader you are expected to be a part of community conferences, lead a community group, and participate in various programs. Additionally, MVPs must adhere to a strict code of conduct as they are representatives of Salesforce ecosystem.
Whether it is organizing events, speaking at conferences, or mentoring trailblazer members, Salesforce MVP dedicates a lot of time for the betterment of the community. Their generous acts directed towards their desire to help others who wish to get the same recognition as them and later work to uplift others.
Although there is no set path, here are some pointers that may help you along the way
The Salesforce MVP program is not a popularity contest; it is for people who have been consistently putting in the work toward uplifting the Salesforce community. Every year, Salesforce opens its nomination, ensure that deserving individuals are nominated so that the ecosystem is guided by good leaders. While submitting the nomination, ensure to be detailed and thoughtful and highlight your efforts towards the growth of the Salesforce ecosystem.
At Dazeworks, an iLink Digital Company, our services are backed by four Salesforce MVPs who ensure that our team provides you with the best experience. If your aim is to include or expand the Salesforce within your organization, we have the perfect team for you.
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