Chemical Company Reduces Cost and Boosts Productivity with AWS Data Lake


A global chemical and ingredients distributor found it challenging to store and analyze data because of its legacy data storage platform. Other problems with legacy data storage platform include the inability to process real-time data, sequential data hops, data duplication and lack of uniform data standards across multiple divisions within the company. The client needed an efficient data storage platform that offers more agility and flexibility than traditional data management systems. The client approached iLink because of our prior success in delivering similar projects, technology expertise, and understanding of the industry landscape.


Link’s experts interviewed key stakeholders from business and technology teams to get a holistic understanding of the process and their pain points.

After extensive research, focusing on key metrics – cost reduction, efficiency, productivity and customer acquisition/retention, iLink proposed AWS data lake solution to the client.


We created an AWS data lake for the client which included the following technical architectural : 


Reduced costs, improved efficiency and customer acquisition/retention for the client.

Our proposed AWS data lake solution reduced costs, boosted productivity and enabled following new capabilities to the client:

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