iLink Digital empowered a leading medical tech company to navigate the significant challenges in its customer service team. Their reactive approach to device maintenance often requires multiple site visits to address a single issue, resulting in higher expenses, wasted resources, and customer frustration.
Medical Technology
10K+ Employees
Erlangen, Germany
Our client is a global MedTech company dedicated to advancing healthcare through pioneering solutions in diagnostics, image-guided therapy, cancer care, and healthcare IT. With a legacy spanning over two centuries and a worldwide presence, the company has established itself as a trusted innovator, shaping the future of precision medicine and value-based care.
$4 Million Cost Savings
900 Active Users Daily
2000 Customers Served Worldwide
360° Fleet Performance Visibility
Improved Productivity & Operational Efficiency
Self-Service BI Capability
Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.
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