How iLink helps a Leading Manufacturer to Achieve CMMC Level 2 Compliance?

iLink’s helped the renowned manufacturer navigate the complex regulatory requirements to achieve Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification CMMC Level 2 compliance. They sought a systematic and expert-led approach combining thorough CMMC Gap assessments, targeted remediation, and ongoing monitoring and governance framework to maintain compliance with CMMC Level 2. 



Company size

501-1000 Employees


California, United States

Client background

Our client is a leading manufacturer specializing in high-precision pressure transducers and data acquisition systems. They cater to critical industries, including aerospace, automotive, medical, and industrial sectors. The company is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of security and compliance, with a strong focus on operational safety and efficiency, particularly in extreme environments. 

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    Business Outcome

    Identified and prioritized all missing security controls (0/110) and policies (0/21) for immediate remediation.

    Aligned with CMMC Level 2 Requirements

    Enhanced Security & Robust Governance

    Continuous Compliance Tracking

    Looking to Achieve CMMC Level 2 Compliance with our tailored strategy?

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