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2Weeks To Resolve Issues

Improve Productivity with Birdie

A team working on a crucial project for one of the company’s major clients faced several challenges when they transitioned to a completely remote way of working. This transition resulted in a lot of time being spent on constant follow-up calls, thus affecting the team’s collective productivity and in some cases miscommunication. With the introduction of Birdie – a virtual assistant available on Slack, Teams and Google Chat the team was able to see productivity improvements within just two weeks of deployment.

Organizations that have teams working remotely are faced with the daily task of team meetings. While it is arguably one of the critical aspects of working together, it has its downside for being long and repetitive while yielding underproductive results. Often called “metalwork” a term that is now recognized across industries, it is a necessary evil that is required.

Some argue that the emergence of Collaboration tools has eliminated the need for constant stand-up calls. Apps like Slack and Teams have a proven record of improving the productivity of teams across industries.

However, the need to track progress and an organized platform to manage inter-team dependencies are still at large.

Do we have an answer?

The growth of Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Assistants seem to be the light at the end of the tunnel. For organizations handling multiple teams across continents and for team members who are heavily reliant on their to-do lists and email correspondence, Virtual Assistants can be the solution. Intuitive and user-friendly, could these cloud-based assistants mean the end of ritualistic morning catch-up calls?


A team of 8 members had to start working remotely on a crucial project due to COVID-19. Owing to the new model of team management, the team lead had to set- up daily calls to catch up with the team. This resulted in

  • poor communication of project status
  • hour-long stand-up calls
  • miscommunication due to connectivity issues
  • incorrect status updates
  • multiple channels of communication

Product Implementation

iLink understood the need of the hour and designed and built a Virtual assistant, Birdie. A simple command-based tool, Birdie is built on the logic to track the progress of the team without multiple touchpoints. Simply put, implementing Birdie eliminated the need for ritualistic morning catch-up calls with teams. 


Birdie is not a replacement for a Project Management tool; however it ensures effective communication within teams on Project Status and Blockers that need to be removed. Organizations using Slack, Teams, or Google Chat can integrate Birdie into their channels. Birdie simplifies the daily task of follow-up emails and end-of-day reporting to simple commands.

  • Keeps the communication lines open within the team
  • Assists remote teams without micromanaging
  • Available 24×7, across time zones
  • Archived communication can be instantly searched with a few short commands
  • Dashboard allows managers to have complete insight into the team’s daily tasks


Over a span of two weeks, several issues were resolved within the team including

  • Teams saved up to 90 minutes per day spent on stand-ups
  • Improved transparency to identify bottlenecks and dependencies within the team
  • Reduced status-update overhead by 30%
  • Task dependency disparities resolved due to a single channel of communication
  • Made it easy for Leads to get a view of the team’s tasks
    Open Chat

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