Innovative Device Health Monitoring Saves Device Manufacturer $4M Annually

iLink Digital helped the leading device manufacturer to navigate the significant challenges in their customer service business unit (BU). Their reactive approach to device maintenance often requires multiple site visits to address a single issue, resulting in higher expenses, wasted resources, and customer frustration. We addressed the challenges by implementing end-to-end data analytics and Power BI solutions, enhancing operational efficiency, and achieving substantial business outcomes.

About Client

Our client is a leading global medical technology company, dedicated to advancing healthcare through pioneering solutions in diagnostics, image-guided therapy, cancer care, and healthcare IT.



Business Impact

$4 Million Cost Savings

Enhanced Device Performance

Increased Efficiency

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

Effective Data Collection from over 2000 customers used by 900 service engineers.

Enhanced Collaboration

Looking to Streamline Your Device Health Monitoring with Our Power BI Solution?

    Open Chat

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9