Transforming Service Management with ServiceNow for a leading Fortune 15 Telecommunication Company

iLink Digital successfully implemented a comprehensive ServiceNow solution, replacing outdated and fragmented service management processes. The client faced challenges with disparate legacy systems, leading to operational inefficiencies and communication gaps. We helped the client to consolidate these systems into a unified ServiceNow platform, streamlining workflows, automating tasks, and providing real-time analytics. This resulted in a significant reduction in fulfillment time, improved ticket and resolution rates.



Company size

150K Employees


Dallas, Texas, USA

About Client

Our client is a leading American telecommunications provider offering a wide range of services, including mobile and fixed telephony, broadband, and subscription television. The company is also a significant player in the 5G and fiber technology space, providing high-speed internet and mobile services to millions of customers.



Business Impact

Improved routing and tracking

Improved customer satisfaction - 35% reduction in fulfillment time, 26% rise in ticket resolution per day

Empowering employees with data

100% Compliance of OH&S checklists for field services

Planning to improve your efficiency and automate processes?

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9