“The future of coding is no coding at all” – Chris Wanstrath, the former CEO of code-sharing repository Github The Covid-19 pandemic taught the business world a key lesson – adopt digital transformation or perish as the old ways no longer apply in the new normal. Enterprises are looking to be more intelligent in the software development process, […]
Microsoft Power Platforms is becoming the next-generation business process automation and productivity suite for industry leaders. It is being used by nearly 16 million monthly active users, up by 97% year over year, revolutionizing productivity gains for companies everywhere. Companies are leveraging Power Platforms to enable data analysis, app creation, and automation without any IT/ Development Teams […]
“The top five priorities for security and risk leaders are establishing metrics, creating business-aligned strategies, ensuring cloud workload security, moving from DevOps to DevSecOps, and managing third-party risk.” Source: Top Priorities For Security And Risk Leaders In 2019 Not much has changed in 2021, Organizations are still looking to thrive and grow through the use of advanced applications and […]
With evolving needs of next-generation technologies, engineering teams are facing challenges in designing and developing smart connected products having embedded software and electronic content. These software and products are required to meet strict regulatory compliance and safety standards as even a single error in software code can have devastating consequences. They should also meet various […]
Software applications and systems can make or break your ability to adapt, develop and compete in the market. With business dynamics changing constantly, it can be difficult to keep your software capabilities matched up with the organizational growth. This is particularly true for the companies with a long-established market having high reliance on software that was […]
Many modern businesses across the globe are betting their organizations on legacy applications that were developed years or even decades ago. Let’s face the truth – software is not like wine, it does not get better with age. The usability and features of applications become more and more outdated with changing demands of users. However, some systems are difficult to […]
In a virtually connected world, software technologies have raised the bar for organizations to meet customer expectations. The internet has given them the power to demand better service performance, reliability, and quality, forcing enterprises to respond faster to customer queries, fix issues, and improve product features. To streamline the organizational process, businesses have embraced modern Software Development Lifecycle […]
Today enterprises need software that helps them drive innovation, meet market demands, and keep business operations agile. Though they have adopted cloud strategies and migrated applications to the cloud, businesses are finding it challenging to get high computing power services for developers and generate suitable ROI. They are now looking to adopt a cloud-native approach […]
Customer experience should always be an integral part of every business strategy. Especially now, in today’s climate of adjusting to COVID-19 restrictions, paired with a lack of direct contact with customers, a shift to online services has emerged and with it, the need to provide a stellar experience from beginning to end. Businesses making the […]
Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.
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