The Edge Computing market size is speculated to reach $44.7 billion in 2022 and 101.3 billion by 2027. With technological advancements like powerful mobile devices and 5G, enterprises are now thinking beyond the mere data center and cloud system. This is where the edge computing system comes in and changes the game. When we talk […]
Businesses are often reluctant to switch from their existing data strategies to updated systems. The costs and time invested in the whole process are among the major concerns. However, using outdated legacy systems is holding your business back in more ways than you can imagine. While migrating to a new legacy system is not a […]
Data is the backbone of a business. It helps companies predict trends, identify opportunities, get customer insights, and stay ahead of the competition. Hence they must manage the data using appropriate data storage systems and keep it updated. A well-organized data storage system that is safe and ensures swift information retrieval is essential for businesses […]
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) has been one of the earliest technological evolutions that continues to gain prominence with time. It helps businesses automate the processing of physical documents. With the advent of technology, OCR has continuously evolved to become one of the most robust tools for the corporate world. The global optical character recognition market […]
“Data data everywhere, and not a thought to think!” – John Allen Paulos Enterprises today are generating data at an unprecedented rate. However, most organizations fall flat when it comes to utilizing the data to its full potential, deciphering the information, and deriving meaningful insights from available data. Almost 48% of employees frequently defer to […]
Consider this scenario: Your boss asks you an important question about your team, department, or company’s financials, and you don’t have the answer despite having access to the data. Instead, you reach out to your IT team, have them analyze the data, and then arrive at the appropriate answer. No doubt, it’s a lengthy process. […]
Data is the most valuable resource for a business to analyze and view insights for better decision-making. However, massive data flow makes data processing and analyzing challenging for business owners. A reason why enterprises are exploring outside the traditional data architecture to meet their data processing and analytical needs. Databricks solved this issue using Medallion […]
Amidst the AI revolution, Computer Vision is one of the most powerful and compelling AI technology gaining momentum, especially after the Covid-19 breakout. Industries like healthcare, automotive, banking oil and gas, and finance and transportation are making use of this technology to detect, identify, and label objects as humans do. However, this powerful technology can […]
Embracing digital transformation is becoming the core of a business strategy. Organizations are staying updated with the new evolving technologies to keep their business alive and achieve future ambitions. However, using a legacy database system makes it difficult as the system may not comply with modern technologies. To reap the real benefits of these new […]
We are in the era of data explosion. Typically, a large volume of data hit enterprise applications at a very high velocity. Organizations need high-performance modern data platforms that can ingest, transform, and analyze data in real-time to create actionable insights. In the process, data exploration and data management can become more complex. By adhering […]
Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.
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