Consolidate on a single BI platform by using the combination of Power BI’s stellar data modeling capabilities with Inforiver’s Analytics+ advanced visualization engine
Large enterprise customers continue to pay huge maintenance dollars for multiple BI Platforms (Power BI, Tableau, Qlik, Spotfire, SAP BOBJ, Cognos, OBIEE etc). As the data visualization market rapidly evolves into Data Stories and augmented insights use cases – customers are looking for charts that provide stories and insights faster with advanced features. There are still features missing or immature in BI tools, so many people in the market stick to their legacy systems.
Inforiver Analytics+ can be the solution to address those gaps in BI visual layer. With its 3 in 1 visual with 50+ Charts + Cards and Tables. Analytics+ delivers a unique selection of strategic and advanced charts such as executive funnel, Marimekko chart, and special charts for storytelling such as – slope graph, lollipop, dumbbell, dot plot, arrow & range plots. Analytics+ delivers key features available in other BI tools but missing in Power BI to facilitate migration and consolidation in Microsoft stack.
Watch this webinar to understand how Analytics+ provides most voted and unmet feature requests from the Power BI Ideas forum such as:
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– Federal [including Military], State, Local and Public Education. This is a Microsoft partner event. Should items of value (e.g. food, promotional items) be disbursed to event participants, these items will be available at no charge to attendees. Please check with your ethics policies before accepting items of value.
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