Azure App Gateway in Cloud Computing

Demystifying Azure AI Services

Event Overview:

Microsoft Azure AI services provide a comprehensive suite of cloud-based tools designed to help developers and organizations seamlessly integrate cognitive intelligence into their applications. These services eliminate the need for deep expertise in AI or data science, making advanced AI capabilities accessible to a broader audience. Join this webinar to learn more about Azure AI services and their applications.

  • Brief overview of Azure AI and its capabilitie
  • Introduction and Use cases discussion for Microsoft Co-Pilot and Co-Pilot Studio
  • Features and use cases discussion on Azure ML and AI studio
  • Demo of setting up and using one or more Azure AI services
  • Real-world example showing the end-to-end process
  • Q&A during the demo for interactive engagement
Key Takeaways
  • Introduction to Azure AI Services: Overview and key services (e.g., Vision, Speech, Language, Decision)
  • When to use which of the tools with use cases examples
    • Microsoft Co-Pilot
    • Co-Pilot Studio
    • Azure ML Studio
    • Azure AI studio
  • Demo
  • Q&A with the expert
Register Now


    Jul 18 2024


    12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


    Microsoft Teams Meeting


      Open Chat

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