DevSecOps Revolution: Transforming Software Development with Security & Compliance

Join our upcoming session to explore how DevSecOps integrates development, operations, and security to create and manage more secure and compliant applications in Azure, improving operational efficiency. Participants will learn how to automate security tasks, making security an integral part of the software development process right from the start. The session will also cover how Azure DevSecOps provides continuous monitoring and remediation to safeguard applications and data.  

Why This Session is a must for Leaders like you:  

  • Quick Time-to-Market: Understand how to build quick time-to-market apps using the DevSecOps practice.  
  • Improve Security Practice: Understand how to improve security practices in modern application development.  
  • Easier Detection of Security Issues: Understand how to detect security issues in the development stage using DevSecOps Practice.  
  • Cost-effective solution: Understand how to build a cost-effective and secure application using the DevSecOps practice.  

What’s covered in this webinar:   

  • Business Drivers for DevSecOps  
  • Industry standards for DevSecOps  
  • iLink’s approach to DevSecOps  
  • Identify the right technology & platform for DevSecOps  

Who should attend?  

  • Head of Software Development, CTOs, CIOs, CXOs, or VP of product development who want to optimize the deployment of solutions  
  • Thought leaders and Enablers  
  • Key Team members working with the above   

Join the webinar to open up new possibilities for your team by choosing the best tool that suits your development needs!   

Register Here


    – Federal [including Military], State, Local and Public Education. This is a Microsoft partner event. Should items of value (e.g. food, promotional items) be disbursed to event participants, these items will be available at no charge to attendees. Please check with your ethics policies before accepting items of value.


    Feb 29 2024


    11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Shubha Banerjee, Senior Director at iLink Digital 


    Shubha Banerjee, Senior Director at iLink Digital 
      Open Chat

      Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


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