by in Press Release

iLink Digital acquires fast-growing RPA company InnoWise  

Seattle, WA, Jul 06, 2022 – iLink Digital, a leading software solutions provider, announced the acquisition of InnoWise, a company focused on Automation, Data Science, and Cloud. The combined scale and broad services portfolio will continue to position iLink as a digital, data, and cloud market leader, with extensive capabilities across the entire technology product […]

by in Blog

How to automate security with AWS?

Security is a growing concern across organizations. Almost 65% of successful intrusions remain undetected despite having security solutions in place.1 Besides, 95% of cybersecurity threats are caused by human error in some or the other way says the Global Risks Report released by the World Economic Forum.2 Well, there’s a way to kill these two […]

by in Blog

Private 5G and MEC: Application across Industries and Benefits

One of the major promises of 5G, the fifth generation of cellular networks, is faster connectivity, speed, ultra-low latency, and greater bandwidth. It is not only transforming industries but dramatically improving their day-to-day experiences. Services such as better e-health, faster-connected vehicles, traffic systems, and even advanced mobile cloud gaming that we expected to see in […]

by in Blog, Business Intelligence, vulnerabilities

Enterprise Patch Management: Basics, Benefits, Best Practices [+ Case Study]

“Some things age better with time, unfortunately, the software is not one of them”   Securing the enterprise environment and keeping software up to date is one of the most critical yet essential tasks for businesses today. Cybercriminals are on a constant hunt for vulnerabilities, looking for systems to exploit, which is why patch management is […]

by in Blog, Business Intelligence, Cloud, Digital Strategy, IoT, Trends

When is a ‘Lift & Shift’ approach appropriate, and when is it not?

The lift and shift approach is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to migrate existing workloads to the cloud. It takes the application and its associated data as-in and runs it on cloud-native resources without having to redesign the app. While business leaders may think of it as an outdated approach, there are […]

by in Blog, Business Intelligence, Conversational AI, IoT, Trends

4 Ways IIoT is revolutionizing the Pharma Industry 

Complex supply chains, finicky chemical processes, and stringent quality control is a large part of the Pharma business. Drugs have to be made safely, efficiently and at scale with correct measures and reliable quality.   What pharma fails to realize is that using manufacturing processes that are decades out of date, and which are being phased […]

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