by in Press Release

iLink Digital and Penn State Great Valley partner to enhance end-to-end learning experience using Big Data Lab

Bothell, WA, December 14th: As a certified software solution provider and systems integrator, iLink Digital has entered a strategic partnership with the educational leader, Penn State Great Valley (PSGV). Through this collaboration, iLink will promote new and ongoing avenues of research into data collection and utilization using the PSGV’s Big Data lab. Students will engage with our experts to work on Capstone project, Software Development for […]

by in Blog, Cloud, Tips

Cloud Security: Top 8 Best Practices to Follow in 2022

Security has been a major concern among enterprises right from the time cloud computing came into action. Though business owners wish to empower their infrastructure with cloud-enabled tools, malicious activities affecting the environment act as a hindrance. The idea of storing data or running applications on infrastructure that cannot be managed directly casts security doubts […]

by in Press Release

iLink Digital and the University of Texas, Dallas have announced a strategic partnership in IoT, 5G and MEC

Dallas, TX. December 6th, 2021: iLink Digital, a strategy-led enterprise delivering next-gen technology services, is pleased to announce a global partnership with the University of Texas, Dallas (UTD). Graduate and Undergraduate students from UTD are working with iLink experts on IoT, 5G and Multi-Edge Computing (MEC) in this major initiative called MIDAS. This opportunity will enhance the student learning experience in doing real life end-to-end projects.  Students will be able to gain valuable project knowledge and […]

by in Press Release

iLink Digital launches iSEN, a Private Secure Edge Network powered by Beezz to drive innovation at the Edge

Dallas, TX, November 30, 2021: iLink Digital, a leading provider of Advanced Communication Services (ACS), announces the launch of iSEN, iLink Secure Edge Network powered by Beezz. iSEN is offered primarily in two different models: Network-as-a-Service (Naas) and On-Prem Private Network. iSEN is the first of its kind offering in-enterprise networks and has several benefits including increased […]

by in Blog, Digital Experience

6 Steps To Overcome Your Business Modernization Challenges

To effectively compete in today’s fast-paced, data-centric business environment, organizations need to revolutionize their business operations. They need to go through digital transformation and design a whole new enterprise to keep the business ahead of the curve. However, implementing modernization initiatives come with its own set of challenges.   A major roadblock is changing the legacy […]

by in Blog, Business Intelligence, Conversational AI

How AI is Preparing The Insurance Industry For 2022 and Beyond

Have you read about Scott? The customer of the year 2030 who got the AI technology working for him for every second he breathes. Mckinsey published an article titled ‘Insurance 2030—The impact of AI on the future of Insurance’ that introduced us to Scott, and the possibilities that AI brings to this industry.  The article […]

by in Blog, IoT

How IoT Is Transforming The HVAC Industry

HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) enables clean and quality circulation of air within the building. The system modifies the temperature as per the need of the climate or season, having a significant impact on the operational cost and reducing potential waste in the buildings.   Introducing the fast-evolving Internet of Things technologies brings greater degrees of innovation, […]

by in Blog, Business Intelligence

6 Technologies Driving Sustainability in 2021

Digital solutions continue to be a significant enabler for achieving sustainability goals across industries. Earlier, organizations had to choose between high profits, competitiveness, and sustainable efforts. Today, sustainability has become a diligent act of business as it remarks contribution towards superior performance.   Between 2013-2019, companies with consistently high environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance enjoyed 4.7x […]

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