by in Blog, Business Intelligence, Cloud, Digital Experience, Low code Engineering, Microsoft

5 Reasons To Accelerate Your Business With Power Platforms

Microsoft Power Platforms is becoming the next-generation business process automation and productivity suite for industry leaders. It is being used by nearly 16 million monthly active users, up by 97% year over year, revolutionizing productivity gains for companies everywhere.   Companies are leveraging Power Platforms to enable data analysis, app creation, and automation without any IT/ Development Teams […]

by in Blog, Business Intelligence, IoT, Tips

7 Biggest IoT Security Challenges and How to Fix Them

IoT products & services have exploded in 2021 so far. People are surrounded by IoT devices, such as IoT cars, smart refrigerators, and other smart home products, exchanging data through connected sensors. There are even smart machines now, networking in every industry right from manufacturing to retail.   The ubiquity of these connected devices is overwhelming and […]

by in Blog, Business Intelligence, Digital Experience

How Can DevSecOps Transform Your Workflow?

“The top five priorities for security and risk leaders are establishing metrics, creating business-aligned strategies, ensuring cloud workload security, moving from DevOps to DevSecOps, and managing third-party risk.”  Source: Top Priorities For Security And Risk Leaders In 2019  Not much has changed in 2021, Organizations are still looking to thrive and grow through the use of advanced applications and […]

by in Blog, IoT

How IoT is Transforming the Transportation Industry

The transportation, logistic, and fleet management sectors are some of the biggest beneficiaries of digital transformation solutions across all industries. Especially with advances towards smart cities, technologies such as the Internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and predictive analytics act as the main driver for transportation businesses to grow.   With machine-to-machine communication, […]

by in Blog, Business Intelligence, COVID-19

Our COVID Response

We are deeply conscious about the second wave of COVID-19 in India and the tough time it brings, and are working to create space for our customers and clients to prioritize health and the health of their families above everything.  A large number of iLink’s employees are based out of India, especially in Maharashtra and Tamilnadu, which are among the worst affected states. Though we are […]

by in Blog, Business Intelligence, COVID-19

10 Technology Trends For Ongoing Success in Hospitality

The hospitality industry is becoming highly competitive due to COVID-19 with customer requirements and expectations continually and a push to provide a safe and healthy environment. The industry has seen a significant hit from the economic repercussions of COVID as illustrated below.   Airports and air navigation service providers reported a loss of $115 billion and $13 […]

by in Blog, Business Intelligence, Digital Experience, Tips

Top 5 Reasons to Invest in Engineering Lifecycle Management

With evolving needs of next-generation technologies, engineering teams are facing challenges in designing and developing smart connected products having embedded software and electronic content. These software and products are required to meet strict regulatory compliance and safety standards as even a single error in software code can have devastating consequences. They should also meet various […]

by in Blog, Data & AI

Leveraging RPA & Human Interaction for Maximum Efficiency

Back-office processes have a lot of repetitive and routine tasks that can be dreary and uninteresting for most employees who could offer more value elsewhere. This is where organizations can leverage RPA to enable better control of the business processes and gain resilience in difficult times.   Deploying RPA effectively improves productivity in the workplace and […]

by in Blog, Business Intelligence, Digital Experience, Tips

5 Signs It’s Time to Modernize Your Applications

Software applications and systems can make or break your ability to adapt, develop and compete in the market. With business dynamics changing constantly, it can be difficult to keep your software capabilities matched up with the organizational growth.   This is particularly true for the companies with a long-established market having high reliance on software that was […]

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