by in Blog, Business Intelligence

Top 4 Digital Technology Trends to Stay Ahead in 2021

Digital transformation has become mainstream for every business.  With the challenges of COVID-19, it has become obvious for leaders to think and  implement digital solutions across their organizations. Looking in terms of profitability, IDC predicts that by 2022, digital services and products will be responsible for 80% of new revenue growth.1  But along with digital strategy, enterprises need […]

by in Blog, Education

How Can Digital Solutions Transform Education?

Digital technology has become an essential part of the learning environment. With schools and universities shifting from in-person learning to a remote model, technology has never been more important.   Approximately 320 million students are impacted in India itself. The latest figures released by UNESCO note some 1.3 billion learners around the world were not able to attend school or […]

by in Blog, Business Intelligence, Conversational AI

The Importance of AI in an Omni-Channel Customer Experience

Technology has transformed the way consumers interact with their favorite brands. Especially, in the last few months of Covid-19, consumers have shifted themselves to digital communication. As per the Harvard Business Review, 73 percent of all customers use multiple channels during their purchase journey.1  54% of social browsers use social media to research products.2 63% of customers expect […]

by in Blog

4 Ways Technology Supports Wellness & Work-Life Balance

Let’s start with some statistics:   94% of service professionals spend over 50 hours working each week. (Harvard Business Review)1  About 190 billion dollars per year is spent to address the psychological and physical effects of burnout. (Harvard Business Review)2  66% of workers feel they do not have work-life balance in their lives. (Smallbiz Trends) 3  And only 23% of companies […]

by in Blog, IoT

How is Industrial IoT Making Manufacturing Safe?

Key Takeaways:   COVID-19 is redefining how industries see healthcare and safety measures in 2020 and beyond.  Industrial IoT will play a major role in implementing safety measures and ensuring business continuity.  IoT based sensors, wearables, AR/VR, robots, and automation will be used for social distancing, remote accessibility, reducing onsite accidents, and improving other safety issues.  As the novel […]

by in Blog

How Businesses Can Leverage Technology For Productivity And Growth

2020 can be marked as the benchmark of digital transformation as businesses around the globe are leveraging technology to continue amidst the lockdown and social distancing. It has become unimaginable for companies to sustain without using technology, be it BFSI, automotive, retail, or hospitality. Worldwide spending on technology reached  $3,360 billion in 2019.1 Technology has […]

by in Press Release

iLink Becomes a SI Partner for SmartHub IoT Implementation

Bothell, WA, Oct, 8 2020:  iLink Digital has announced a strategic global partnership with, to bring innovative solutions and services to market. SmartHub.AI’s INFER product suite enable enterprises to leverage and manage their Edge environment to increase revenue, efficiency of operations, environment, safety and decrease digital risks by using IoT and AI technologies.  iLink will partner with for Industrial […]

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