by in Blog, Data & AI

What is Data Visualization?

Data visualization is the process of translating information into a graphical representation. Using charts, graphs, and infographics, complex relationships can be conveyed to a user in an easily digestible format. Data visualization is also an art and science, and it lies at the intersection of communication, information science, and design. Effective visualizations help a user […]

by in Blog, Cloud

Understanding How the Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Program Can Help You Optimize Costs

Many small and midsize organizations are under constant pressure to reduce their IT and operations costs while not compromising their quality and services. Software Licenses form an important component of a technology budget and are often associated with a significant cost. Now, with the Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program, an organization can save significant cost on […]

by in Blog, Digital Strategy

What are MDF and Co-op Marketing Funds and How Are They Different?

According to channel industry observer CRN, trends show channel partners reducing the average number of vendors they work with from 18 to 14. IT vendors are therefore faced with more challenges when recruiting channel partners. In order to better attract prospective channel partners, IT vendors must include financial incentives like MDF (Market Development Funds) or co-op marketing funds in their channel partner programs to entice MSPs, VARs, and […]

by in Blog, IoT

IoT Cloud Platforms: Foundations and Architectural Patterns

Introduction – Understanding the Challenges Manageability of Distributed Devices at a Massive Scale Real-world IoT solutions often have a large fleet of devices deployed across a geographically distributed area. These devices can be heterogenous in nature – supplied by different manufacturers, of varying hardware specifications, and with varying feature-capabilities. Moreover, field-devices often have poor or […]

by in Blog, IoT

Making Sense of Industrial Protocols

Overview Why Modbus? We received this question from a student at a recent IIoT Learning Class. We found it particularly prescient given the latest discussions going on around Industry 4.0. The question is technically sound and indicates a thorough understanding of the technology’s functionality—but perhaps not its purpose. The answer, however, is much deeper, and […]

by in Press Release

Microsoft and iLink to present a half-day event on “Conversational AI, Simplified” in Houston, TX

Bothell, WA Feb 4th, 2020: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of several Microsoft “Partner of the Year” Awards, announced an upcoming complimentary lunch event titled “Conversational AI, Simplified” scheduled for Feb 7th, 2020 in Houston, TX. The event is co-sponsored by Microsoft and [...]
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