by in Press Release

iLink Systems acquires Simplicity Creations Technologies Pvt. Ltd

iLink Systems, a global Software Solution Provider and Systems Integrator with a presence in the US, India, Middle-East and Southeast Asia, has announced its acquisition of Simplicity Creations Technologies Pvt. Ltd., an India based software development company. iLink delivers next-generation technology solutions to help clients solve complex business challenges, increase business productivity, realize sustainable enterprise [...]
by in Press Release

Microsoft and iLink to present a half-day event on “Conversational AI, Simplified” in Irvine, CA

Bothell, WA Jan 22nd, 2020: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of several Microsoft “Partner of the Year” Awards, today announced an upcoming complimentary lunch event titled “Conversational AI, Simplified” scheduled for Jan 31st, 2020 in Irvine, CA. The event is co-sponsored by Microsoft [...]
by in Press Release

iLink Digital CEO Mr. Sree Balaji has been awarded “The Most Promising Business Leaders of Asia 2019”

iLink Digital (a software services firm based in Bothell WA) is happy to announce that its CEO Mr. Sree Balaji has been awarded “The Most Promising Business Leaders of Asia 2019” at the 4th edition of The Economic Times Asian Business Leaders Conclave held in Singapore in November 2019. Organized by The Economic Times, the [...]
by in Blog, Conversational AI

What is Natural Language Processing?

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is technology used to help computers understand, interpret, and manipulate human languages. It is a subfield of computer science, linguistics, information engineering, and artificial intelligence that focuses on programming computers to process and analyze huge datasets of natural language.  Besides implementing machine learning approaches, such as deep learning, to model human […]

by in Blog, Conversational AI

Robotic Process Automation and What it Can Do for You

Robotic Process Automation or RPA is the technology that automates day-to-day manual tasks and business processes by configuring computer software to emulate users’ interactions with the existing digital systems.  Some examples of manual tasks that can be automated include:  Application configuration  Data entry  Validation of client files  Creation of test data  Data loads  Report generation  […]

by in Blog, Data & AI

What is Microsoft Power BI?

Simply put Microsoft Power BI is a business intelligence software that gives users the ability to pull in massive amounts of data from a variety of sources –  in order to organize, analyze, visualize and share it in a user-friendly way. User-friendly being the operative word. Gone are the days where data analysis was limited […]

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