by in Press Release

Modernizing Analytics with Power BI – Charlotte, NC

Redmond, WA Oct 10, 2017: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of several Microsoft “Partner of the Year” Awards, today announced an upcoming complimentary lunch event titled “Modernizing Analytics With Power BI” scheduled for Oct 26th, 2017 in Charlotte, NC. The event is co-sponsored [...]
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Microsoft and iLink to present a half-day event on “Driving Digital Transformation with Microsoft Data Platform, Predictive Analytics and IoT” in New York, NY

Redmond, WA Aug 28th, 2017: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of several Microsoft "Partner of the Year" Awards, today announced an upcoming complimentary lunch event titled “Driving Digital Transformation with Microsoft Data Platform, Predictive Analytics and IoT” scheduled for Sep 15th , 2017 [...]
by in Press Release

Microsoft and iLink to present a half-day event on “Driving Digital Transformation with Microsoft Data Platform, Predictive Analytics and IoT” in Tampa, FL

Redmond, WA Aug 1st, 2017: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of several Microsoft "Partner of the Year" Awards, today announced an upcoming complimentary lunch event titled “Driving Digital Transformation with Microsoft Data Platform, Predictive Analytics and IoT” scheduled for Aug 4th , 2017 [...]
by in Press Release

Microsoft and iLink to present a half-day event on “Modernizing Analytics With Power BI” in Bellevue, WA

Redmond, WA Jul 21, 2017: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of several Microsoft "Partner of the Year" Awards, today announced an upcoming complimentary lunch event titled “Modernizing Analytics With Power BI” scheduled for Jul 27th, 2017 in Bellevue, WA. The event is co-sponsored [...]
by in Press Release

Microsoft and iLink to present a half-day event on “Driving Digital Transformation with Microsoft Data Platform, Predictive Analytics and IoT” in Austin, TX.

Redmond, WA May 15, 2017: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of several Microsoft "Partner of the Year" Awards, today announced an upcoming complimentary lunch event titled “Driving Digital Transformation with Microsoft Data Platform, Predictive Analytics and IoT” scheduled for May 19th, 2017 in [...]
by in Press Release

Microsoft and iLink to present a half-day event on “Driving Digital Transformation with Microsoft Data Platform, Predictive Analytics and IoT” in Alpharetta, GA.

Redmond, WA May 08, 2017: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of several Microsoft "Partner of the Year" Awards, today announced an upcoming complimentary lunch event titled “Driving Digital Transformation with Microsoft Data Platform, Predictive Analytics and IoT” scheduled for May 12th, 2017 in [...]
by in Press Release

Microsoft and iLink to present a half-day event on “Driving Digital Transformation with Microsoft Data Platform, Predictive Analytics and IoT” in Burlington, MA.

Redmond, WA May 03, 2017: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of several Microsoft "Partner of the Year" Awards, today announced an upcoming complimentary lunch event titled “Driving Digital Transformation with Microsoft Data Platform, Predictive Analytics and IoT” scheduled for May 11th, 2017 in [...]
by in Press Release

Microsoft and iLink to present a half-day event on “Driving Digital Transformation with Microsoft Data Platform, Predictive Analytics and IoT” in Portland, OR.

Redmond, WA April 27, 2017: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of several Microsoft "Partner of the Year" Awards, today announced an upcoming complimentary lunch event titled “Driving Digital Transformation with Microsoft Data Platform, Predictive Analytics and IoT” scheduled for May 05th, 2017 in [...]
by in Press Release

Microsoft and iLink to present a half-day event on “Driving Digital Transformation with Microsoft Data Platform, Predictive Analytics and IoT” in San Francisco, CA.

Redmond, WA April 17, 2017: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of several Microsoft "Partner of the Year" Awards, today announced an upcoming complimentary lunch event titled “Driving Digital Transformation with Microsoft Data Platform, Predictive Analytics and IoT” scheduled for May 03rd, 2017 in [...]
by in Press Release

Microsoft and iLink to present a half-day event on “The Art & Science of Big Data, IoT and Machine Learning” in Irving, TX.

Redmond, WA April 12, 2017: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of several Microsoft "Partner of the Year" Awards, today announced an upcoming complimentary lunch event titled “The Art & Science of Big Data, IoT and Machine Learning” scheduled for Apr 28th, 2017 in [...]
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