by in Webinars

SharePoint Governance – What, why and how?

Many of today's Sharepoint installations within organizations have evolved through a very short period of trials and errors, with little or no thoughts given to effective information, development and deployment management processes. It has grown organically to the point where "business users" are struggling to effectively find information as and when needed, "IT leaders" are [...]
by in Webinars

Caregiver Collaboration

Join Anand Gaddum, the Director of Healthcare Practice at iLink Systems, and Randy Fusco, Chief Technology Officer and Strategist for Microsoft U.S. Healthcare Provider Industry, on May 26 at 9 AM PST as they discuss an elegant and simple collaboration solution for caregivers who want better access to patient data across the continuum of care. [...]
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Patient Engagement – An interactive medium for patients and life sciences organizations to improve health outcomes

Patients have the most power to create change in their own health and wellness. The secret is how to unlock that power and in turn create the change that can increase adherence, boost well-being, and cut health care costs as a result of more educated patients and their participation in clinical studies that is useful [...]
by in Webinars

Mobilize your organization’s Data, Information and Products using pre-built frameworks

Attend this webinar to find out how iLink's Mobile Frameworks can speed up the development of Windows Phone and Slate applications. Join Ambuj Parihar's webinar on December 1 from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM PST for a frank discussion about Mobilize your organization's Data, Information and Products using pre-built frameworks. Attend this webinar and find [...]
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