by in Press Release

Microsoft and iLink to present a half-day event on “Manage, Leverage & Evolve your Infrastructure using O365 and Azure” in Bellevue WA.

Redmond, WA May 11, 2016: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of several Microsoft "Partner of the Year" Awards, today announced an upcoming complimentary lunch event titled “Manage, Leverage & Evolve your Infrastructure using O365 and Azure” scheduled for May 25th, 2016 in Bellevue, [...]
by in Blog, Data & AI

Automated provisioning

According to Enterprise Management Associates’ (EMA) 2014 study on the software-defined data center, 47 percent of enterprise IT teams take from one week to over a month to provide infrastructure resources to developers and testers. There is an upcoming trend of answers to this problem which can auto provision resources in minutes. Check out the […]

by in Blog, Cloud

Learnings from GITEX 2015

What is GITEX? Launched in 1981, GITEX is the ICT business gateway to the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia Region. Focused on providing exhibitors with high ROI through direct business opportunities with decision makers, GITEX has maintained its position as the industry’s trend setting authority. GITEX continually identifies the hottest global IT trends and incubates these into the [...]
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