by in Blog, SIMS

Threat Detection Investigation Response Mechanisms for Strengthening Cybersecurity 

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology innovation, cyber threats pose a significant risk to organizations’ ability to safeguard their critical assets. The attack surface has grown exponentially due to the increased cloud adoption and dispersed workloads. Hence, organizations must implement robust threat detection and incident response (TDIR) mechanisms to minimize the impact of security incidents, […]

by in Blog, Digital Experience

How are Power platforms and AI copilots Empowering Digital Transformation?

In today’s fast-paced digital era, businesses are consistently on the lookout for cutting-edge solutions to streamline operations, boost productivity, and offer unmatched customer experiences. Microsoft’s Power Platform is leading the charge in this digital transformation journey, enhanced further by breakthroughs in artificial intelligence through AI-driven copilots. These innovations are more than mere tools; they are […]

by in Blog, Digital Experience

Apple Vision Pro: An Evolution, Not a Revolution, in the AR Headset Landscape

Introduction As Apple unveiled its highly anticipated Vision Pro headset, the tech world buzzed with excitement, hailing it as a groundbreaking device that would revolutionize augmented reality (AR) experiences. However, upon closer examination and comparison with the Microsoft HoloLens, which was released nearly eight years ago on March 30, 2016, it becomes evident that the […]

by in Blog, Low-Code No-Code

Low-Code vs No-Code: Empowering Developers with the Right Tools for Digital Transformation

Most businesses today find themselves at some stage of their digital transformation journey, creating a massive demand for software development. However, the traditional software delivery methods need help to keep pace. Moreover, there’s a talent shortage in the developers’ pool, and hiring enough developers to match the rapid pace is challenging. In addition to this, […]

by in Blog

A Detailed Guide to Enterprise Architecture

Today every company is in the rat race to invest in the best technology to improve their operations and boost their bottom line. Technologies are constantly evolving, forcing companies to change their approach to stay afloat in the cut-throat market. This is where it’s become important to align the strategies, processes, and technologies efficiently to […]

by in Blog

Simplify Stream Processing with Serverless Apache Flink® From Confluent and iLink Digital

We’re thrilled to be partnered with Confluent today as they announce the general availability of the industry’s only cloud-native, serverless Apache Flink® service. Available directly within Confluent’s data streaming platform alongside a cloud-native service for Apache Kafka®, the new Flink offering is ready for use on AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Directly integrated with iLink […]

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