by in Press Release

iLink’s Center of Excellence in Technology releases Vacation Central Framework

iLink’s Center of Excellence in Technology releases Vacation Central Framework Redmond, WA, Dec 8th, 2013: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, Nationally managed Microsoft SI Partner and winner of several Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards, today announced the release of their latest Vacation Central Framework, a streamlined set of [...]
by in Blog, HealthCare

Patient Engagement

We all have our own definitions of “Patient Engagement”. Though they might differ in words, to the most part, the meaning will be almost the same. In simple words, engaging the patient to improve health outcomes is how I would define it. Till recent times, a Patient Engagement solution would primarily bring data from the [...]
by in Press Release

Microsoft and iLink to present a half-day event on ”Employee Engagement and Organizational Effectiveness with SharePoint 2013, Windows 8, Power BI and Social Tools” in San Diego

Microsoft and iLink to present a half-day event on ”Employee Engagement and Organizational Effectiveness with SharePoint 2013, Windows 8, Power BI and Social Tools” in San Diego Redmond, WA, Oct 30, 2013: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of the several Microsoft "Partner of [...]
by in Blog, Business Intelligence

EIM = Hidden free gems in MS SQL 2012 jungle + free lunch?

Or, how the NEXT BUTTON syndrome can cause you to miss big and free EIM goodies, not counting the lunch. According Gartner’s IT glossary, EIM (Enterprise Information Management) is an integrative discipline for structuring, describing and governing information assets across organizational and technological boundaries to improve efficiency, promote transparency and enable business insight. In the [...]
by in Press Release

Microsoft and iLink to present a joint briefing ” Leverage SharePoint 2010/2013 for critical organization needs and maximize SharePoint 2010/2013 Investments & Business ROI ” in New York

Microsoft and iLink to present a joint briefing ” Leverage SharePoint 2010/2013 for critical organization needs and maximize SharePoint 2010/2013 Investments & Business ROI ” in New York Redmond WA, Oct 9th, 2013: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of the several Microsoft "Partner [...]
by in Press Release

Microsoft and iLink to present a half-day event on ”Mobilizing the O&G Field and Office Workers – O&G Windows 8 Apps on Mobile Devices & Introducing SharePoint 2013” in Dubai UAE

Microsoft and iLink to present a half-day event on ”Mobilizing the O&G Field and Office Workers - O&G Windows 8 Apps on Mobile Devices & Introducing SharePoint 2013” in Dubai UAE Redmond, WA, Oct 3, 2013: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of the [...]
by in Press Release

iLink’s Center of Excellence in Technology releases “Social Employee Engagement and Line-Of-Business Workflows” framework

iLink’s Center of Excellence in Technology releases “Social Employee Engagement and Line-Of-Business Workflows” framework Redmond, WA, Sep 20, 2013: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solution provide, Nationally managed Microsoft SI Partner and winner of several Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards, today announced the release of their Social Employee Engagement and [...]
by in Blog

Too Big to Fail.. But, Too Big to Care?

Good guess, I am alluding to the Banking Industry. When Banks hemorrhage – slightly or severely – Uncle Sam pulls cards from the Keynesian deck (Keynesian Economics: ). Multiple factors including the heavily clichéd “Too Big to Fail” phrase comes to mind. But are these banks too big to care? Well, social technologies like [...]
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