by in Blog, Business Intelligence, Data & AI

Building a Data warehouse – Two approaches – Same or Different?

Industry accepted definition of a data warehouse is – “a subject oriented, integrated, nonvolatile, time variant collection of data for management’s decision making”. Bill Inmon and Ralph Kimball approached the data warehouse architecture differently. Bill Inmon advocated the approach of creating a “Single version of Truth” Data warehouse where as Ralph Kimball took the “Dimensional […]

by in Blog, Data & AI

SharePoint 2013 – Business Intelligence Features

In this article I would like to list down the Business Intelligence Features of SharePoint 2013. These features provide us a quick solution for various business requirements like presentations, integrations & connectivity to external systems. Following are the core document management features in SharePoint 2013: Performance Point Services Excel BI Excel Services PowerPivot PowerView Visio [...]
by in Blog

SharePoint 2013 – Document Management Features

SharePoint 2013 - Document Management Features In this article I would like to list down the Document Management Features of SharePoint 2013. These features provide us a quick solution with common document management tasks, thus saving cost & time. Following are the core document management features in SharePoint 2013: Databases Document Library Metadata Search Office [...]
by in Press Release

iLink Systems Wins Microsoft Windows 8 Growth Partner of the Year Award at WPC 2013

Redmond, July 29, 2013: iLink systems, an ISO and CMMI certified Global software solution provider and Microsoft National Systems Integrator, today proudly announced that it has been named as the Microsoft Windows 8 Growth Partner of the Year at WPC 2013. iLink had been previously recognized as the 2012 Microsoft Public Safety & National Security [...]
by in Press Release

Microsoft and iLink to present a joint briefing “Windows 8 Apps on Tablets and Phones – Increasing Business Productivity by “mobilizing” the millennial worker” at Mountain View CA

Redmond, WA, July25th, 2013: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of the several Microsoft "Partner of the Year" Awards, today announced an upcoming joint briefing titled “Windows 8 Apps on Tablets and Phones - Increasing Business Productivity by "mobilizing" the millennial worker” Scheduled for [...]
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