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iLink System’s Center for Excellence in Technology Releases new Intranet framework using Office365 and SharePoint Online

Bellevue, WA, April 23, 2012: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, managed Microsoft SI Partner, winner of Microsoft's 2009 Public Sector, Health Partner of the Year award and Mobile Partner of the Year for 2011, today announced the release their new Intranet framework using Office365 and SharePoint online. iLink's Center [...]
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iLink System’s Center for Excellence in Technology Releases new Mobility framework for Windows Phone

iLink System's Center for Excellence in Technology Releases new Mobility framework for Windows Phone Bellevue, WA, April 12, 2012: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, managed Microsoft SI Partner, winner of Microsoft's 2009 Public Sector, Health Partner of the Year award and Mobile Partner of the Year for 2011, today [...]
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Microsoft and iLink to present a half-day event on “How can Mobility, Cloud, BI and SharePoint help your business”

Bellevue WA, Apr 3, 2012: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider and Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of 2011 Microsoft Mobility Partner Award, today announced an upcoming complimentary event about on “How can Mobility, Cloud, BI and SharePoint help your business” scheduled for Friday April 20th, 2012. The event [...]
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Mobile Health

It is interesting to observe how the healthcare technology space is evolving -Mobility in healthcare known as 'mHealth' is the latest trend. "Anytime anywhere" connectivity through healthcare mobile application is being used to transform patient care, drive doctor and administrative staff productivity, and redefine the workplace. Interetingly, in 2011 the FDA proposed guidelines for how [...]
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iLink’s Center for Excellence in Technology Releases new Mobility framework for Windows Phone

Bellevue, WA, April 12, 2012: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, managed Microsoft SI Partner, winner of Microsoft's 2009 Public Sector, Health Partner of the Year award and Mobile Partner of the Year for 2011, today announced the release of their Mobility framework for the Windows Phone platform. iLink's Center [...]
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iLink Systems to present a webinar on Environmental, OSHA Compliance, EMS & Sustainability

Bellevue WA, Mar 7, 2012: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider and Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of 2011 Microsoft Mobility Partner Award, today announced an interactive webinar entitled “Environmental/ OSHA Compliance, EMS & Sustainability - Ensuring Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations”.  Presenting the webinar will be Abhi [...]
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iLink Systems and GC Partners to present an Interactive webinar on “Case Management – Automating your Legal Processes using SharePoint 2010 and iLink’s Frameworks”

iLink Systems and GC Partners to present an Interactive webinar on "Case Management - Automating your Legal Processes using SharePoint 2010 and iLink's Frameworks" Bellevue WA, Feb 23, 2012: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider and Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of 2011 Microsoft Mobility Partner Award, today announced [...]
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iLink Systems co-sponsors Life Sciences Innovation Forum

iLink Systems co-sponsors Life Sciences Innovation Forum Bellevue, WA, Feb 3, 2012: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, managed Microsoft SI Partner, winner of Microsoft's 2009 Public Sector, Health Partner of the Year award and Mobile Partner of the Year for 2011, co-sponsored the recently concluded Life Sciences Innovation Forum [...]
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