by in Blog, HealthCare


Last month, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) dropped its efforts to implement the CLASS Act. The CLASS program is a national, voluntary insurance program that was supposed to be available after October 2012 to help pay for services and supports that help citizens maintain independence in the community. Included in the [...]
by in Blog, UI/UX

A Guide to ensuring quality and consistency when developing Rich Applications.

Most of the projects I work on involve developing a new interface on a website or application that appears cutting-edge to users. It's no surprise, as user demands for rich, state-of-the-art interfaces have skyrocketed and users of consumer and enterprise applications no longer want "what works" but rather want what "is possible". Enterprise frameworks like [...]
by in Press Release

iLink Systems organizes Bellevue Healthcare Summit on “Better Financial and Patient outcomes”

Bellevue WA, Dec 7, 2011: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider, Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of 2011 Microsoft Mobility Partner Award & 2009 Health Partner of the Year Award, Public sector, today announced an upcoming Healthcare Summit on “Better Financial and Patient outcomes” on Thursday Dec 15, 2011 [...]
by in Blog, UI/UX

Meeting User Expectations

Why you need to understand that your users care deeply about design. The expectations of user experience are rising. Whether your users are selling to consumers or building applications in the enterprise - the advent of ‘user-centric’ design has made user accustomed to rich, focused experiences that engage and inspire them and most importantly help [...]
by in Press Release

iLink to present a complimentary webinar on “Mobilize your organization’s Data, Information and Products using pre-built frameworks”

iLink to present a complimentary webinar on “Mobilize your organization's Data, Information and Products using pre-built frameworks” Bellevue WA, Nov 21, 2011: iLink Systems, an ISO and CMMI certified global software solutions provider and Microsoft Gold Level Partner and winner of 2011 Microsoft Mobility Partner Award, today announced a live webinar entitled “Mobilize your organization's [...]
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