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Microsoft and iLink to present complimentary lunch event about optimizing IT Ops, HR, Sales, and Marketing

Microsoft and iLink to present complimentary lunch event about optimizing IT Ops, HR, Sales, and Marketing Redmond WA, May 7th 2010: iLink Systems, an ISO certified global software solutions provider, Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and winner of the 2009 Public Sector, Health partner of the year award, today announced an upcoming luncheon event called "Optimizing [...]
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iLink Systems recognized as a Microsoft Surface partner

iLink Systems recognized as a Microsoft Surface partner Redmond WA, Apr 1st 2010: iLink Systems, a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, today proudly announced that it has been recognized as a Microsoft Surface Partner following a significant investment of dedicated development and support to the Microsoft Surface Community. Surface partners are "Microsoft Partners who have committed [...]
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Microsoft case study highlights iLink Systems’ use of Sharepoint and Silverlight to reduce order processing staff by 25%

Microsoft case study highlights iLink Systems' use of Sharepoint and Silverlight to reduce order processing staff by 25% Redmond WA, March 15, 2010 - iLink Systems, a global provider of Microsoft based software solutions, was featured with its customer Chempoint in a recently published Microsoft customer case study concerning an innovative deployment of Microsoft Office [...]
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iLink Systems showcases solutions built on the Microsoft platform at the 2010 Microsoft HUG Exchange and HIMSS Conference in Atlanta

iLink Systems showcases solutions built on the Microsoft platform at the 2010 Microsoft HUG Exchange and HIMSS Conference in Atlanta iLink presentations will demonstrate how to improve communication, collaboration, and outcomes using Microsoft technologies. Redmond, WA, Feb 27th  2010: iLink Systems will demonstrate and lead discussions about new generation healthcare technology solutions built on the [...]
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